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Company (11)

Collaboration, availability and timeliness

The Partner relationship: a marriage based on collaboration, availability and timeliness of OXero and based on warranty for the Partner to operate in full autonomy and freedom (even directly on the source code).

Collaboration, Availability and Timeliness are not enough if basically Partners is not fully Independent and Free to be able to act at any time according to their own development strategies.

That's why OXero not only provide and integrate flexible easy to use and self explanatory (making it possible to "customize" their analysis and characterize its solution), but guarantee full freedom of action by providing the source code.

In an apparently simple and certainly generalized field, whenever you have to create a decision support system the variables are many and many and require focus and specialization that we believe can only come through collaboration between those of us who is the expert in technology and in support research information and who is the data and the computational models specialist, the Partner!

In more than ten years of work OXero has based its activity on Reliability and Trust with its partners which has always provided the most complete collaboration showing the maximum Availability and Timeliness.

With this requirement OXero cooperates with primary companies to guarantee high profile expertise.


The main activity of the group is aimed at creating generalized software products, directional products and core business software for large users (banks, tax collection Dealers, Agencies ...).


Elsag Datamat

Elsag Datamat is the Finmeccanica center of excellence in the design and production of systems, services and solutions for the automation, security, transport, space and information technology.

Born from the integration of Elsag and Datamat in 2007, Elsag Datamat is part of Finmeccanica Group, one of the largest industrial groups in the world.


Af Soluzioni

AF SOLUTIONS is a point of reference on issues relating to the e-procurement management and collaboration with suppliers and customers via Web.



PROMETEIA is a leading provider of systems and high-level consulting in Risk Management and Asset Liability Management.

It’s one of the leading consulting company in Italy with 300 professionals (consultants, financial engineers, statisticians, economists, etc.) providing risk management services, business consulting, IT systems, outsourcing and training to leading financial institutions, industrial enterprises and public institutions.



AUBAY Research & Technologies, formed by professionals with years of experience in the areas of management consulting, IT consulting and systems integration, is a Company specialized in providing solutions and IT services.


OXero - Decision Support Systems

OXero (the name comes on from the greek “Oti Xero” = "because I know") know - exactly - how complex is the implementation of a Decision Support System really useful, effective, efficient, easy to use, integrated in the company, able to meet the specific - and always unique - customer's needs!

It is with this philosophy that over ten years ago, a group of university professors and a group of professionals who have established a company was focusing only on the pursuit of knowledge, starting from primary data.

Each situation is different from others, every organization is different from others, the needs of each client are unique and specific. The implementation of a Decision Support System is therefore essential to take into account that business intelligence platform - even crucial - is only one piece of a complicated system of rules and relationships that cannot be ignored if you want to get a good product .

A good result is obtained by analysing from the beginning each element that participates in the Decision Support System implementation.

OXero is at your side (OXero is in your shoes !) to help you in every project step: from the DBMS choice (the one better suited to setting the knowledge and the business rules) to the data model definition (if you want to create) or to the definition of the rules for well use what is already existing, from the integration way to the extraction and supply of dedicated database (data warehouse, data mart, ...).

Business Intelligence Platform

Partner of our customers we face every project with great professionalism sharing the outcome, creating prototypes totally free and always offering the ability to change during construction the initial choices. At any time the customer is free to choose how to proceed. From the logic of Open Source we migrated the concept of the availability of the software in order to ensure the complete autonomy of choice to our customers and partners.

In Italy and abroad OXero has always been appreciated for his achievements, for his approach "unique" and complete that – often – has been why It has prevailed even in situations in which, previously, the customer have made different choices (Business Objects , MicroStrategy, Cognos, Oracle, ...).

Request a demo, put in contact with us for a free implementation of a prototype, call us to see the benchmarking results with leading Business Intelligence platforms.

We will happy to illustrate our methodology, our solutions and expertise, the main differences in approach and solution compared to the main competitors inthe market.

Professionalism and motivation

Work Market requires strong professionalism able to grasp all the challenges and turn them into exciting opportunities for growth and development. For this reason in OXero we devote special attention to the professional profiles that are highly motivated in achieving the goals, with excellent communication skills, able to work in a team and share knowledge.

Send your Curriculum Vitae and emphasizes particularly your interpersonal skills and your level:

  • Knowledge of issues related to business intelligence applications
  • Knowledge of Object Oriented Paradigm
  • Mastery of programming in Java
  • Experience developing applications according to the standard J2EE
  • Competence analysis and design of complex algorithms
  • Knowledge of issues related to Data warehousing
  • Knowledge of the concepts of Data Modeling
  • Experience in the application of the concepts of Data Dictionary, Data Mining
  • Experience in the use of DB2 database, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, DB Columnar
  • Mastery of the issues related to Decision Support Systems
  • Experience in the Strategic Management area, Risk Management area, Finance area, Economics and Accounting area
  • Capacity of focus problems, processing hypothesis, conducting the analysis and achievement of the objectives

Candidates to join the staff of Oxero: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

"D&I based solutions" or Business Intelligence Consultancy?

In a filed where the supply of Business Intelligence platforms are wide and varied, OXero arises first of all as the specialized consultant (no platform dependent) who will analyse the client's requirements and its previous investments to better address it and / or follow the definition of its architectural and functional needs.

The main idea is that Business Intelligence is not “an end in itself” and it can not be solved only with a technological platform. The BI platform is the support instrument but the final application depends on factors that require expertise, professionalism, specialization, knowledge of techniques of information retrieval and much more. That's why OXERO offers before all its support and its know-how and only after analysing the context, it can be identified the best means by which to achieve the expected result.

Thanks to its experience and expertise OXero is able to offer his consultant services even on the most common Business Intelligence Platforms proposing, where useful to the customer, from the "simple" consulting to the implementation of "turnkey" solution of the whole decision support.

It is in this latter context that arises the offer of creation of solutions "D&I based" where, therefore, the platform D&I is used as architectural system base on which to place the specific customer functional requirements and necessary integration.

The “D&I Based Solutions”

D&I is a Business Intelligence platform. We like to define “D&I” as a support tool to facilitate the work in the difficult task of defining business strategies. That's why every day we focus our efforts on issues such as flexibility and usability, in order to provide a tool that is immediately and easily used by everyone and with limitless possibilities of instant access to information.

D&I allows you to convert data into “useful and meaningful information”, to distribute this information to those who need it, when they need it, enabling them to make more informed, aware and timely decisions.

Through its analysis and reporting capabilities, the ability to combine data from multiple information sources, the management of Key Performance Indicators (KPI), the exploitation of its potential for presentation of the results (scorecards, temporal aggregation, data visualization based on the different classifications of Dimensions and Measures, ...), predictive analysis for the simulation of future scenarios and more, D&I is the tool with which to create Specialized Solutions ("D&I based Solutions") which, when applied in a precise functional context, guarantee ease of use and convenience allowing you to perform complex analyses to support decision making.

A "D&I based" solution is therefore a "finished" solution, accompanied by the necessary processes of extraction and supply, the reference data model, the basic reporting and everything necessary to make it immediately usable and integrated into the precise functional context of the application of "calculation" that will be the normal "provider" of the solution itself.

A "D&I based" solution is therefore the simplest and most immediate solution to complete in a few days a certain "computing system" with a analysis & reporting system customizable and integrated, in order to adapt fully to the technical and functional host system and obviously adaptable in terms of layout.

D&I based solutions are integral part of the systems of our Customers and our Partners!

The Design Consulting

OXero is a company specialized in the field of structuring, implementation and maintenance of decision support systems.

With its network of expertise is able to support customers at every stage of production, from analysis to design, from the definition of the data model to the decision-making models, from the choice of tools to use to their parameterization, from the realization of solutions to the application maintenance of the same.

And no constraint on the instrument to be adopted!

OXero offers its platform but it also works on all major business intelligence tools (Business Objects, Hyperion, Microstrategy, Cognos, and so on).

Respect for the choices of our Customer is the basis of our choices!

A model based on trust and collaboration with Customers and Partners

The relationship with the customer: a marriage based on collaboration, availability and timeliness and the guarantee for the customer to be able to operate in full autonomy and freedom (even directly on the source code).

Collaboration, availability and timeliness are not sufficient if customer is not fully Independent and Free to be able to act at all times as a function of their development strategies.
That's why OXero is not limited to providing flexible solutions integrate and easy to use and self explanatory (making Customer able to "customize" its own analysis and characterize its solution), but guarantee full freedom of action by providing the source code too.

In an apparently simple and generalized field, whenever you have to create a decision support system are many and many variables in play and require focus and specialization that we believe can only come through collaboration between those of us who is an expert of “information technology” and who is a specialist of the specific data and calculation models, the Customer ! the Partner!

In over twenty years of work OXero has set its activity on the relationship of trust with its customers and its partners which has always provided the most complete collaboration always showing the highest availability and timeliness.

Success stories … and the Business is served!

Perform in-depth analysis of complex information to support decision making, monitoring the activities of various kinds in order to identify and resolve potential problems and at the same time recognize and exploit new opportunities, perform predictive analysis to allow users to simulate future scenarios, are just some of the results you expect to achieve with a high-level decision support system.

And it is with this in mind that OXero has racked up a history of success in different fields but all characterized by the same goal: to take the knowledge from the data to make informed and aware decisions.

From the credit risk analysis calculation to KPI directional monitoring, from rating models management to regulatory Bank Italy Reporting analysis, from anti-money laundering to bank loan and credit analysis, from Productivity System Indicator definition and monitoring to the Analysis of Extraordinary Events, etcetera, etcetera ...

  • Intesa San Paolo
  • Saudi Arabia Al Rajhi Bank
  • Italian Post Bank
  • Parma e Piacenza Savings Bank
  • Friuladria
  • Bank Simpanan Nasional of Malaysia
  • Fraunhofer IPSI
  • Kuala Lumpur Al Rajhi Bank
  • State Street

are just some of the major customers that have adopted OXero solutions to provide its users with timely and efficient manner, all the necessary information to enable them to immediately take the most appropriate strategic decisions.

OXero D&I platform-based solutions have been developed in lot of functional or technological fields with no limit to interface complex databases (both in terms of size or data model too).

Hereunder you can find cards summarizing some success stories representative of our highly flexible and reliable platform - chosen from among everyone for their diversity and/or complexity. In all of them OXero technology has served to support our customers and partners to achieve their strategic objectives.

A Company … all-in-one, lithe and specialized... to be always by your side ... because OXero is in your shoes!

  • All-in-one: because thanks to the capitalization of man-years of work and research in Business Intelligence, Information Retrieval and Knowledge Management, OXero provides a complete decision support platform ensuring – to all clients and partners - timeliness and autonomy, and so consequently an immediate response to every question.
  • Lithe: thanks to this, OXero always maintained a high level of efficiency by ensuring the highest quality of the solutions and, at the same time, cheapness services. But even lithe because of the flexibility that is inherent quality has associated features such as Availability and Timeliness thanks to a network of specialized partners can ensure that dynamism that characteriz OXero into the market.
  • Focused: because the OXero mission is to ensure the necessary level of technical expertise and theoretical knowledge to be able to assist partners and customers in all phases of creating and managing a complex and specialized decision support system. But focused mainly because it would not be possible otherwise to provide such high quality solutions on an issue so highly specialized.

The privacy policy is relative to the current Italian legislation


Informativa resa ai sensi dell'articolo 13 del D.lgs. n.196/2003 ai visitatori del sito Internet oxero.com di proprietà di Oxero S.r.l. e fruitori dei servizi offerti dallo stesso, a partire dall'indirizzo http://www.oxero.com, con l'esclusione dei link esterni. I dati raccolti attraverso questo sito si dividono in:

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Decreto Legislativo n.196/2003, Art. 7 - Diritto di accesso ai dati personali ed altri diritti

  1. L'interessato ha diritto di ottenere la conferma dell'esistenza o meno di dati personali che lo riguardano, anche se non ancora registrati, e la loro comunicazione in forma intelligibile.
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    3. l'attestazione che le operazioni di cui alle lettere a) e b) sono state portate a conoscenza, anche per quanto riguarda il loro contenuto, di coloro ai quali i dati sono stati comunicati o diffusi, eccettuato il caso in cui tale adempimento si rivela impossibile o comporta un impiego di mezzi manifestamente sproporzionato rispetto al diritto tutelato.
  4. L'interessato ha diritto di opporsi, in tutto o in parte:
    1. per motivi legittimi al trattamento dei dati personali che lo riguardano, ancorché pertinenti allo scopo della raccolta;
    2. al trattamento di dati personali che lo riguardano a fini di invio di materiale pubblicitario o di vendita diretta o per il compimento di ricerche di mercato o di comunicazione commerciale.

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Our Locations:

  • OXero S.r.l. - Sede Operativa
    Via Camillo Rosalba, 47/J
    70124 – Bari - Italy
    Tel +39 080 5618558
    Fax +39 080 5618558
  • OXero S.r.l. - Sede Amministrativa
    Via dello Zoosafari, 9
    72015 – Fasano (Brindisi) – Italy
    Tel +39 080 4425629
    Fax +39 080 4425497

We transform your data into business objectives

A Decision Support System All in One
Quick and easy integration with the customer solutions, scalability, modularity, flexibility, high performance, sophisticated analytics, user friendly, easy to use and speed in reporting.

The OXero success keys
Low cost of maintenance and service, a team of experts at your disposal to work on each project from its conception to its realization.

We facilitate the understanding of your data
We are the right partner to transform data into information into knowledge useful to the decision-making process by making the transformation process simple, efficient and independent.

OXero is in your shoes - Respect for the choices of our customer is the basis of our choices
Our systems are the instrument, our most important resource is the expertise, your contribution is the key to reach the success of our solutions !

We create high technological solutions and services
We Transform data into useful knowledge to help our clients to achieve their business goals. We satisfy all the user requirements pertaining the research and the information management.


  • D&I Platform
    Make complex decision support
  • Main Modules
    All modules available to the platform
  • Value-Added Modules
    Data Entry, Quality System Data, Data Schedule & Broadcast System, Multidimentional Database Generation System
  • Demo Area
    Request an access to the demo

Company data

  • OXero S.r.l. - Sede Operativa
    Via Camillo Rosalba, 47/J
    70124 – Bari – Italy
    Tel +39 080 5618558 Fax +39 080 5618558
  • OXero S.r.l. - Amministrazione e Contabilità
    Via dello Zoosafari, 9
    72015 – Fasano (Brindisi) – Italy
    Tel +39 080 4425629 Fax +39 080 4425497
  • OXero S.r.l. - Sede Operativa
    Via Lago di Sabaudia, 19
    00077 – Roma – Italy
  • Partita I.V.A./C.F.: 01816440745
  • Reg. Impr. Bari N° 01816440745 Cap. Soc. i.v. 50.000 €


Get in touch


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Via C. Rosalba 47J, Bari, Italy

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